Seeking Patterns

In Human Behavior Consumer Preferences Design Innovations Training Exercises User Engagement Virtual Reality Interactions Product Interaction Spatial Navigation Safety Compliance Digital Experiences Immersive Learning Customer Journey Mapping Retail Environment Optimization Employee Performance Interactive Simulations

Through our realistic VR simulations and eye-tracking and spatial analysis technology, we empower companies to decode complex user behaviors in immersive 3D spaces.

We’re here to demystify VR analytics, providing you with a no-nonsense path to seek and understand the intricate patterns of user interactions at scale, translating them into actionable insights automatically. 


The Future of Behavioral Research 

Our tool not only pinpoints focus areas but also unravels the layers of attention and interaction, offering a window into human behavior with unmatched precision and control. By analyzing spatial data through VR on a large scale, we convert complex patterns into actionable intelligence, empowering businesses to customize their training, products and services with an unprecedented understanding of customer & employee needs. This is all achieved within dynamic, custom-designed VR environments, setting the stage for in-depth behavior studies and simulations that pave the way for tailored consumer experiences.

Consumer Research 

With SeekingPatterns, gain an in-depth understanding of consumer movements and product interactions. This insight is crucial for developing, testing, and refining products and retail spaces, ensuring they align with consumer expectations and behaviors.

Academic Research 

SeekingPatterns crafts VR environments for academic research, offering total control over variables to study behavior precisely. Our VR solutions enable deep insights into human interactions within fully customizable settings.

Training Simulations 

Enhance training effectiveness with VR simulations that mirror real-world scenarios. We provide the tools to evaluate performance, streamline compliance, and optimize training strategies, all in a controlled, risk-free virtual setting.

Learning & Development

Seeking Patterns uses VR for advanced behavioral analysis in education, pinpointing focus areas and struggles of students with challenges. It optimizes learning by assessing various methods, enhancing education for every student.

Goodbye Focus Groups: Hello to More Human Insights

Seeking Patterns introduces a paradigm shift, offering a more efficient, in-depth, and cost-effective way to gather human insights. Our behavioral analysis tools allow for the collection of detailed data at a fraction of the cost of traditional focus groups. This means not only can you save on the exorbitant expenses associated with running multiple focus group sessions, but you also get more granular, authentic insights into individual behaviors and preferences. With Seeking Patterns, invest in a smarter, scalable solution that maximizes your research budget, providing actionable insights for a fraction of the per-person cost typical of conventional focus groups.

Focus Groups Are Much More Expensive 

Traditional focus groups come with hefty price tags and logistical complexities. The costs, spanning screener development, recruiting fees (around $150 per participant), and facility rentals, culminate in an average of $5,000 per group. For meaningful data, running at least four groups is advised, pushing costs to $20,000, or roughly $416-$625 per participant done at scale our solution can get richer data for less than $1 per participant. 

How We Work

Custom VR Development or Integration 

We start by either crafting a bespoke VR environment tailored to your needs using Unreal Engine or seamlessly integrating our tool into your existing Unreal VR setup. This flexibility ensures that regardless of where you’re starting from, you have access to state-of-the-art behavioral analysis technology.


Automated Analysis Setup 

Next, we focus on automation. Our goal is to streamline the data collection process, identifying and extracting the key information you seek without the need for manual session reviews. By setting up sophisticated tracking and analysis protocols, we ensure that your experiment runs smoothly, capturing valuable insights efficiently.

Data Compilation and Insight Extraction

Finally, we transform raw data into actionable intelligence. Our process involves compiling the data from your VR environment and analyzing it to draw meaningful connections between user experiences. This culminates in a comprehensive report that delivers science-based insights, helping you make informed decisions based on nuanced user behavior analysis.

Ready to Seek?

Whether you’re equipped with an existing VR environment or brimming with ideas for a custom virtual space, we’re here to bring your vision to life. Our team specializes in transforming your concepts into reality or enhancing your current setup with our advanced behavioral analysis tools. Contact us today to explore how we can tailor our technology to fit your unique needs, paving the way for groundbreaking discoveries and insights.